Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A Hectic Day at Work, But I Love It!

Today is a great day at work. It's a hectic day, with 2 major study visits, a study monitoring visit (with a heck of issues with a couple of the subjects in the study), and with my back up co-worker taking a day off. What made my day was that one of the patients in my dementia study, despite having a long and emotionally draining day in the office, gave me a big hug at the end of the visit after knowing that I will be leaving the job soon. Both the patient and her husband commended my work. It is really encouraging and refreshing to receive their compliments after a busy morning running all around the clinic. I love it!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

I Deserve Better

I keep saying to myself today - I deserve better. I think I really do. There's no point of trying to please someone who doesn't appreciate you. If the person doesn't appreciate what you do, then please my foolish self leave it for someone who does.

Sunday, May 21, 2006


I am pooped after spending two days in Modesto learning how to deliver plastic babies who are stuck in various strange positions and managing their mother's postpartum hemorrhage emergencies. The course is fun though, don't get me wrong. And I ate like a pig as soon as I got home - my mom was amazed and thought I looked like someone who have just escaped from prison. I don't know why I was so hungry since I actually had a pretty big lunch today.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Maybe I Just Don't Get It

I'm about to lose my composure, I'm gettin close
To packin up and leavin notes, and gettin ghost
Tell me who knows, a peaceful place where I can go
To clear my head I'm feelin low, losin control

Have I done wrong? Have you done wrong? It doesn't matter because nothing has gone right.

Monday, May 01, 2006

The Origin of BabyDocJackie

I have been using the "BabyDocJackie" alias in several places on the internet. I picked "BabyDoc" originally because I planned to specialize in pediatrics and thought that it would be relevant. Of course, since then I have decided to pursue family medicine instead. I thought of changing my alias, but then I am, in fact, a "baby" doctor with little experience... Hence the original name stays.