Sunday, June 11, 2006

Keeping Junk

I keep a lot of relatively junky stuff - used train ticket stubs, tourist maps, useless toys from drug reps, name tags from meetings and interviews, etc. I keep all the letters and emails sent from my friends, as well as all the businese cards I received from all walks of lives. I know many of these things are just taking up space in my room, but often times it's difficult for me to let go. I live my life forward, but at times I am a person of reminiscence. Looking at my random collections brings back memories, and sometimes I try to reconstruct events in my mind from what I can still remember. Things do change, and some of these fond memories, unfortunately, now bring me a sense of sourness. Nevertheless, I would rather keep these memories than to lose them - who's to predict if these memories will become sweet again in the years to come?

Now should I keep these loose papers in a box or take them with me to San Berdoo?

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