Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Moving out Rocks from a Rock Garden

Every medicine team has a few rocks. Rocks are patients who have been staying in the hospital for an extended period of time - their conditions don't change, and for any reason they are difficult to be moved out of our inpatient list; they essentially just sit there and not doing much. One of our rocks, an AIDS patient with extensive neurological complication, is obviously too sick and complicated to be managed at home but at the same time has really no reason to stay because we are not doing anything to his sickness. So I am happy to hear today that the family is thinking about transferring him to a nursing facility.

Another one of our rocks have been with our team since July - she has no medical problem except that she initially came in due to dehydration. It is then determined that she has dementia and is not able to take care of herself, so she is just staying in the hospital while her social worker works out her placement. Today we found out from the social worker that they have found a place for the patient and she can be transferred there within the next 2 days.

That's TWO rocks that we are going to move out from the garden - there's a definitely a sense of euphoria amongst our team members today.

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