Friday, October 13, 2006

Tokyo, Here I Come!

As I am writing this, I am 35,000 feet above the ground, sitting on my comfortable seat en route to Tokyo. Just a few hours ago, I was still in the hospital, tired post-call, signing off my patients to the on-service interns who were taking over. It is difficult to believe the 4-week medicine rotation has gone by so quickly - and I survived it! We were luckily blessed with 2 light calls in a roll - last night we only admitted 5 new patients and with all the off-service notes to write I was still able to sleep for 2 hours. The students and us 2 interns even watched a DVD (Stoned Age..!!!)together in the lounge! I am glad that all of us in the team were able to bond together well and make this rotation so much more enjoyable.

I think because I was constantly under stress with this medicine rotation, I still don't feel like I am in vacation now. I am sure this will change after meeting my family in Narita! Enjoy my 10 days of fun!

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