Thursday, November 02, 2006

Know Your Personality Type

I had a rather interesting seminar this morning on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator - it is apparently the most widely used standardized personality test in the world. It is based on Carl Jung's work on Personality types. There are 16 different types; to find out which type you are, you have to take a questionnaire of ninety-some questions.

I turned out to be a split between ISTJ and INTJ, and upon further analysis I am leaning more toward ISTJ. ISTJ stands for Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Judgement - people with this type are "conscientious, reliable people who can always be counted on by friends and co-workers." They are "organized and love to set schedules" and "greatly treasure family affairs". They are traditionally-minded and are unwilling to change. They "earn success by concentration and thoroughness". In the medical/health field, careers in general surgery or primary care are a good fits.

So it looks like I picked the right field then :-)

MBTI Questionnaire:
MBTI Questionnaire (中文):

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