Thursday, February 22, 2007

You Woke Me Up For THIS?

4:30 in the morning:

Me: This is Dr. L, I was paged.
Nurse: I have your patient here in Room ####; his Accu-chek is 46 so I gave him 1 amp of D50. So I need an order for that.
Me: But you gave the D50 already right?
Nurse: Yeah. I just need an order.
Me: So you ask for an order AFTER you carried it out?
Nurse: I gave him D50 because his sugar is low.
Me: So do you know when you are going to check his sugar again?
Nurse: In about 30-60 minutes.
Me: Okay. Just so you know, you can call me at 6:30am instead of 4:30, and it wouldn't change a thing. Please tell me you are not calling me in the middle of the night just for this...
Nurse: So can I get an order for the D50?
Me: (Arrrrh!) Yes, you may have the order.
Nurse: Thank you. [Hung up]

Just wondering: Can I have an order to not call me for a retrospective D50 order?

1 comment:

Eternal Dreamer - Allen Wang said...

oh my god, i got that exact same call before.... called after the deed is done